By - November 16, 2022
Makerere University sits atop a hill in the lush green center of Kampala, Uganda. It has a storied history—its medical school was founded in 1922, and in the heady post-independence days of the mid-twentieth century it was an intellectual powerhouse attracting theorists, economists, and writers from North America, Europe, and Asia. It was in Makerere University’s Pathology Building where a certain Dr. Burkitt described a strange new lymphoma that appeared to affect East African children. The current pathology department boasts 13 qualified pathologists (out of 28 in the entire nation), and nine residents, and handily takes care of some 6,000 surgical specimens, performs 4,000 forensic and 500 hospital autopsies, and undertakes some 500 FNAs. It was a thrilling, illustrious place to be hosted for a month as the inaugural ASCP Trainee Global Health Fellow.
In my experience as a longtime watcher of the international aid and medical volunteerism community, most doctors who volunteer overseas come in three flavors. The first are the clinicians who go global with the specific goal of working clinically in their specialties. For us pathologists, that means seeing cases, assisting with procedures, double-scoping, and teaching residents. The pathologist gains experience with local entities, and imparts some teaching or case-specific knowledge to the host pathologists in return. The second group are the researchers—those who venture abroad hoping to answer specific questions, via formal case-based or epidemiological research. Reciprocity here comes via research collaboration, publication credits, and (ideally) monetary compensation for the department’s time and resources.
And lastly, there’s a small group interested in logistics and everything that falls under the nebulous heading of “capacity-building.”
Map of Kampala, Uganda
Drawer of filed and organized blocks
The first histology QC in East Africa
I’m firmly in the last group. I’m like that here in the US too—much more interested in systems rather than individual cases (the ink on my new job contract is dry: otherwise I’d never admit that publicly in case Future Boss gets the wrong idea).
On my second day on the ground, the African Society of Laboratory Medicine conducted the first formal AP lab inspection in East Africa, using the SLIPTA-Afro (Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process towards Accreditation in the African Region) checklist developed by the World Health Organization for African laboratories as a means of encouraging labs to progress towards accreditation. A lab needs 275 points to fully qualify and apply for accreditation. Thanks to many diligent efforts by the Head of Department prior to my arrival, our baseline number of marks was 62, placing the lab in the “0 stars” category. In order to progress out of the category of “Zero stars” to “1 star,” a lab needs 150 marks. We set an ambitious goal to climb to 1-star status by the end of the month.
Therefore, in my time there, we:
After all that, the lab is now firmly (by our count) above the 150-point threshold. It’s not official, but we think we’re the first 1-star histopathology lab in East Africa, outside possibly the Aga Khan in Nairobi.
As you can tell from the ebullient tone of this article, it was a thrilling, challenging, career-defining month. I thank ASCP most sincerely for sending me.
If you think you’d be interested in an international rotation, there are two ways to get there as a resident/fellow trainee: 1) apply for an ASCP Subspecialty Grant, administered by the Resident Council; or 2) apply this November to be a 2019 ASCP Trainee Global Health Fellow, as selected by the ASCP Center for Global Health.